Macklin Medical Mission
Nanotechnology – Next Steps
Nanobiotic white blood cells – microbivores
Nanotechnology will also create programmable white blood cells. These nanobiotic white blood cells (‘‘microbivores’’) will patrol the bloodstream, seeking out and destroying undesirable bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.
These nanobots will download software from the Internet for particular problems, and could be programmed to recognize and destroy cancer cells before they would have a chance to grow and spread.40 Won’t it be nice to have some programmable white blood cells in your blood stream to defend against the possibility of biological warfare attack? It would be a simple matter to realize the organism that had been released and your microbivores would immediately download the appropriate program from the Internet to destroy that pathogen. So programmable microbivores will be the ultimate defence against biological weapons of mass distraction or biological warfare agents, as well as against any influenza pandemic or other potential pathogen.
According to Harvey Mackey, 61 percent of famous people didn’t achieve their most noble achievements until after 60 years of age. So, there is a great deal of advantage to remaining in good health until your later decades of life. In the 19th century, Victor Hugo once said ‘‘Forty is the old age of youth, fifty the youth of old age.’’ At the beginning of the 21st century, we can now safely say that 50 or 60 is only the beginning of the second half of life. On December 31, 2004, there were 41 documented ‘‘super centenarians, individuals over 110 years of age.’’41 By the middle of this century, many longevity researchers believe these numbers will increase dramatically.
We have discussed some of the new technologies using “adepts” from Stem cells to reprogram white blood cells to identify and kill cancer cells and tumours now (Bridge One) strategies that we can use to keep our bodies in good health until such time as to when the Biotechnology, a thousand times smaller than white blood cells (Bridge Two) to treat Alzheimer’s and onto Nanotechnology/ AI, ten thousand ties smaller than white blood cells (Bridge Three) revolutions find full expression.
There is no doubt that the 21st century will be worth living to experience especially for those crossing into the second half of their lives. By following the Bridge One strategies that exist today, many people alive today will have the opportunity to see it in its entirety.
We, at the Macklin Medical Mission, the oldest medical mission in the world, ask for your financial assistance to support our expanding efforts in this exciting new and highly successful field of white blood cells combined with T-Cell oncology research supported by the Nancy-Griffon Foundation Inc of Canada.
So, donate, support and invest in our cancer research – save a life.
Thank you.
Eric J. Macklin B.Com., FICB, FCSI, FMA, UE
Macklin Medical Mission [Est 1886]
The Nancy-Griffon Foundation Inc [Est 1975]
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