This site is dedicated to the new stem cell research efforts called "translational white cell therapy" to use modified human white cells to successfully fight cancer cells and tumors in the body in a non-invasive format.
Friday, November 22, 2013
The Cancer Cure and How It Works - Macklin Medical Mission
White blood cells, or leukocytes (also spelled "leucocytes"), are cells of the immune system involved in defending the body against both infectious diseases, viruses. and foreign materials. Five different and diverse types of leukocytes exist in the body with different functions, but they are all produced and derived from a multi-potent cell in the bone marrow known as a hematopoietic stem cell. They live for about three to four days in the average human body. Leukocytes are found throughout the body, including the blood and lymphatic system.
The physical properties of white blood cells (leukocytes), such as volume, conductivity, and granularity, may change due to activation, the presence of immature cells (T and B cells), or the presence of malignant leukocytes caused by viruses as in leukemia, and may be reported as Cell Population Data when a patient’s blood is tested. The name "white blood cell" derives from the fact that after centrifugation of a blood sample, the white cells are found in the buffy coat, a thin, typically white layer of nucleated cells between the sedimented (separated) red blood cells and the blood plasma.
There are of course five (5) different types of white blood cells but for the sake of this discussion we will deal with the Lymphocyte as part of our discussion this month again on dealing with cancer and its cure. Of these there are B-Cells which releases antibodies and assists activation of the all important T cells. Among the T-Cells there are special T-Cells called CD4+th (T Helper Cells which activate and regulate T and B cells and CD8+cyto-toxix T-Cells along with virus-infected and tumour cells.
Of particular interest are the γδ T cells which bridge between the innate and adaptive immune responses which bring about phagocytosis and necrosis of non-normal erratic cells. There are also the Regulatory (suppressor) T-Cells – these returns the functioning of the immune system to normal operation after infection; prevents auto-immunity – the natural killer cells for the virus-infected and tumour cells.
Are you with us so far as we try to put this into layman’s language? So let us recap a bit.
Lymphocytes are much more common in the lymphatic system (Lymph-nodes). Lymphocytes are distinguished by having a deeply staining nucleus that may be eccentric in location (peculiar to a location – specialized as to loci)), and a relatively small amount of cytoplasm. The blood has three types of lymphocytes:
· B Cells make antibodies that bind to pathogens to enable their destruction through necrosis.
· T-Cells:
o CD4+ helper T Cells: T cells having co-receptor CD4 are known as CD4+ T cells. These cells bind antigens presented by antigen-presenting cells via T-cell receptor interacting with a MHC-II complex on APC. Helper T cells coordinate the immune response and are the main focus of cancer killing white blood cells. For example, in acute HIV infection, these T cells are the main index to identify and codex the individual's immune system activity, which may range anywhere on a scale of 1 to 10. Same with cancer.
o CD*+ cytotoxic T Cells: T cells having co-receptor of CD8 are known as CD8+ T cells. These cells bind antigens presented on MHC I complex of virus-infected cells such as cancer or tumour cells and kill them. All nucleated cells possess MHC I on their surfaces.
o γδ T cells possess an alternative T-Cell receptor as opposed to CD4+ and CD8+ αβ T cells and share characteristics of helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells and natural killer of rogue virus cells – such as cancer.
· Natural Killer Cells are able to kill cells of the body that have lost the MHC I molecule, as they have been infected by a virus or have become cancerous – an oncolvirus.
This is the case for over two thirds of the human population as confirmed by autopsies world wide.
· Un-Natural Killer Cells: For the remaining other third of the population that where oncolviruses get ahead of the body’s auto-immune system that they require modified nano-nuclear modification of the white blood cell with T-cells to recognize the cancer cell for what it is and to “get on with the job of necrosis and to recognize the MHC I molecule.”
The MHC I Class Molecule
MHC Class I molecules are one of two primary classes of major histo-compatibility complexes (MHC I) molecules (the other being MHC II class) and are found on nearly every nucleated cell of the body. Their function is to display fragments of proteins from within the cell to T-cells. Healthy cells will be ignored, while cells containing foreign proteins (or a foreign cellular matric – i.e. cancer) will be attacked by the immune system. Because MHC I Class molecules present peptides derived from cystolic proteins, the pathway of MHC I Class presentation is often called the “cytosolic or endogenous pathway”.
Again for those patients whose auto-immune system and where their white blood cells do not recognize the oncolvirues through a non-acting MHC 1 complex then these patients need to have their white blood cells modified or translated with the “appropriately educated T-Cells”
Or do we simply carry on with the cell killing chemotherapy and radiology which destroys or so depresses the patient’s auto-immune system that the patient dies of something else or more than often is open to a recurrence of the cancer or allows cancer to turn up somewhere else.
So why then treat cancer when we already know how to cure it!
Function of MHC I Class cells
MHC I Class molecules bind peptides generated mainly from degradation of cytosolic proteins by the proteasome of the target cell. The MHC I + peptide complex is then inserted into the plasma membrane of the cell(s) in question. As a result the peptide is bound to the extra-cellular part of the MHC I Class molecule. Thus, the function of the MHC I Class is to display intra-cellular proteins to cytotoxic T Cells (CTLs) for necrosis. However, MHC I Class can also present peptides generated from exogenous proteins, in a process known as “cross-presentation” which is also used to modify white blood cells with T-Cells or in some cases B-Cells to then recognize oncolviruses to eliminate them.
A normal cell will display peptides from normal cellular protein turnover on its MHC I Class, and CTLs (cytotoxic T Cells) will not be activated in response to them due to central and peripheral tolerance “matching mechanisms”. When a cell expresses foreign proteins (causing a non-match sequence), such as after viral infection, a fraction of the MHC I Class will automatically display these non-matching peptides on the cell surface. As a result of this non-matching foreign cell structure (chemical imbalance) , CTLs specific for the MHC:peptide complex will recognize and kill the presenting (foreign) cell.
Alternatively, MHC I Class itself can serve as an inhibitory ligand (highlighted link) for Natural Killer Cells (NKs). A simple “reduction in the normal levels” of surface MHC I Class, a mechanism employed by some viruses during immune evasion or in certain tumours, will activate NK cell killing. In this way the auto-immune system has two ways of recognizing “abnormal cell structure(s)” and dealing with them through necrosis.
Hence this gives clinical labs two methods of taking cells from the cancer patient and modifying them in the lab with T-cells and B-cells to “induce” NK’s and/or white blood cells to perform the process of necrosis on “non-indigenous” or “foreign molecular cellular structures” to the modified or “translated” white blood cells within the blood stream or organ structure within the body for recognition and timely disposal/removal. That is kill cancer and with that preserve the method of necrosis for the body (similar to a vaccine for any virus) so that if the cancer returned it is destroyed by the patient’s now “up-dated” auto-immune system as a permanent cure. Truly not a difficult process.
And I say again - So why then treat cancer when we already know how to cure it!
Effect of Viruses – Chief among them being Cancer
In summary then, as I will leave the finer details of the chemical structure of MHC I Class molecules to the bio-chemists, the MHC’s are loaded with peptides generated from the degradation of ubiquitous and thus ubiquitinated cytosolic proteins in proteasomes. As viruses induce cellular expression of viral proteins, some of these products are tagged for degradation, with the resulting peptide fragments entering the endoplasmic reticulum and binding to MHC I molecules. It is in this way, the MHC I Class-dependent pathway of antigen presentation, that the virus infected cells signal T-cells that abnormal proteins are being produced as a result of a viral infection - cancer.
The ultimate fate of the virus-infected cell is almost always the induction of apoptosis (programmed cellular death or necrosis) through cell-mediated immunity, reducing the risk of infecting other neighbouring cells.
As an evolutionary response to this method of “immune surveillance”, many cancer viruses as well as others for that group of the human population where cancer cells take over are able to down-regulate or otherwise prevent the presentation of MHC I Class molecules on the cell surface. In contrast to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (T-Cells), and Natural Killer (NK) cells are normally “inactivated” or simply become “unrecognizable” cognizing (non-cognitive) MHC I molecules on the surface of cells. Therefore, in the absence of MHC I molecules doing their job, (the body’s Plan B) NK cells are activated and recognize the cell as aberrant, (abhorrent) suggesting they may be infected by viruses attempting to evade immune destruction. Several human cancers also show down-regulation of MHC I, giving negatively transformed cells the same survival advantage of being able to avoid normal immune surveillance designed to destroy any infected or transformed cells. Hence the requirement for re-educating some white cells through the process of nano-nuclear molecular medicine in the lab to make the white blood cell recognize the aberrant cell for what it truly is and eliminate it.
As the Chairman of the Nancy-Griffon Foundation Inc and the Macklin Medical Mission I sincerely hope that this Blog in some small way helps to explain what is already available to deal with the scourge of the cancer oncolvirues and the body’ own auto-immune defence mechanism and in some cases for some people (a great many in most cases).
And I say again - So why then treat cancer when we already know how to cure it!
However, in Canada just as it is in the United States, 95% of all cancer funding comes from individuals just like you and me. There are a number of ways in which you can make a donation to this program at the Macklin Medical Mission sponsored by the Nancy-Griffon Foundation Inc - visit us at:
1. and print the donations forms on the web page and mail it to us
2. Or send your draft or money order to the CIBC at 23 Mapleview Dr West in Barrie [Manager]
3. Or send your draft or money order to the TD at 60 Mapleview Dr West in Barrie [Manager]
All personal donations should be by way of a Money Order or a Draft drawn on a Canadian or American bank and the minimum is $100 in order to receive a tax receipt. Corporate donations can be made by way of a corporate cheque. Please include your name and return address.
If you work for a corporation, please ask your company to support this new program. We all know some one who has died from cancer, is dying from cancer or is in the process of receiving treatment for cancer and is undergoing radiation of chemotherapy or both with the possibility of surgery. Its time to stop and look at what the future holds for them and the rest of us. One day, we too may walk in their shoes.
Your choice now is very simple – this is a defining moment - both you the private citizen and the private corporation can decide who and what to fund. The ethics are also simple – choose “inept” or “adept”. The larger labs have failed us – thought they can replicate us; the larger cancer raising programs have failed because they failed to finance the smaller labs. It’s the story of the small Dr. Banting lab which discovered insulin so many years ago all over again. But now you know, thankfully to the internet.
This is a private sector initiative. The Government will catch up only when it decides to do so. They are always late to the table. It’s your choice now, whether this takes three years, whether it takes four years, whether it takes five years; and how many more have to die from cancer when they don’t have to. And due to current financial restrictions you will not find this arriving at your front door as a solicitation letter. This is it. Like everything else we do, we are only using modern technology.
Your financial support for the Macklin Medical Mission would be sincerely appreciated. Thank you.
Eric J. Macklin MBA, FICB, FCSI, FMA, UE
The Nancy-Griffon Foundation [Est. 1975]
The Macklin Medical Mission [Est. 1886]
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