Cancer Research & Treatment
“ What lies ahead in our powers to do,
Also lies ahead in our powers not to do. “ – Dr. Lionel A. Macklin
School of Medicine
Cody Medal 1927
University of Toronto
For this Blog on the Macklin Medical Mission and its efforts to raise the $23 million in funds for the new cellular treatment center, we would like to address a couple of issues relevant to all those about to be afflicted with cancer, those currently dealing with many of the various cancers and those who have been “cured” with either radiology and chemotherapy. For those in the last group, they have according to 2011 statistics a 25% chance of a recurring form of cancer simply due to the extremely abrasive and toxic nature of radiology and chemotherapy.
The time has most definitely come to bring cancer research not only into the 21st century but to focus on the end game of cancer research itself. It’s not that we are researching the cure for specific cancers but for the cancer cell itself. I think we can all agree to that simple fact.
But the simple fact is that so many who are involved in either raising funds for cancer research per say or in doing cancer research into a specific affliction of cancer is that it is for the most part emotionally driven. Let me put it this way. Someone dies, which is usually the case, of say lung cancer, or breast cancer, or ovarian cancer, or prostate cancer and off they go to start a foundation to raise funds for that particular form of cancer and in so doing lose sight of the fact that cancer is cancer.
The amount of money raised by all these groups in fighting cancer for their chosen field of endeavour is gargantuan – for North America along is amounts to $3.5 billion dollars from both the private and public sector including of course Government funding. So there we have it $3.5 billion and growing. Of that amount almost 80% is spent on fund raising activities including prizes and the outrageous some of money for staff and doctors and nurses and councillors. In other words it is an industry onto itself. It promises much and delivers little in terms of the success ratio of the living and the dying.
To prove a point again, I refer you to the National Cancer Research Council on statistics in England, the United States and Canada. It is practically the same the world over. To date, and at best folks with cancer can expect an approximate survival rate of about 60% on a combined basis of all cancers. With radiology and chemotherapy this 60% has a 25% chance of remission, as I have said due in large part to the abrasive and harsh reality that it delivers to the autoimmune system of the body. Terrific. So that reduces the 60% to – let see 60 minus 25% … that’s only 45%.
After all these years and $3.5 in annual funding; who are we kidding other than ourselves and the kids for whom we treasure the most.
OK now, let us move into the 21st century.
We all now about vaccinations against the common cold right. Pretty simple stuff when you thing about it. Actually the common cold was not all that simple 50 years ago. People were dying by the 100’s of thousands. What we did was to develop a vaccine and have the annual vaccination of millions of folks starting with the most vulnerable, that’s right - the kids. The concept was developed in a small laboratory in a small Canadian town on shoe-string budget. Same story with antibiotics, another small laboratory; and again with the treatment of diabetes with insulin – Dr. Banting in a small laboratory in Alliston. Well known to Dr. Lionel Macklin. Along with Dr. Evan Shoute of London who developed vitamin E. All from the University of Toronto and all with small labs and all in small towns working back and forth with the University of Toronto. Also well known in the United States for their work.
So the next time you buy a few tickets to one of many well promoted cancer fund raising corporation like Sunnybrook for instance and think of the mansions in Oakville, that grand cottage and the fancy cars that require $20,000 in annual insurance fees to run should you be so lucky to win one – think of another laboratory that has not lost sight of the cancer cell itself. After all it is the necrosis of the cancer cell we all want. Charging off into the wild blue yonder for the cure of cancer this and cancer that is a waste of assets, funding and effort.
Back to thinking of vaccinations, and how it works, - we develop the strain we want to “cure” for the year and develop a vaccine, purify it and sell it buy the $100’s of millions to labs and governments around the world each year. Inject it into the shoulder muscle and then the white cells pick it up initially as an intruder then – bingo that “ah-ha moment” they interpret it for what it is and go charging off to kill that particular “spectrum of cold virus” in the body. Aren’t white cells neat.
OK – white cells, the army cells of the body. What if we find a cancer victim – that’s awfull, lets change that to “someone with cancer” – say breast cancer, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, brain cancer and withdraw some blood and run it through the ubiquitous centrifuge into red cells, white cells and plasma. Take some of the white cells and with T-cells “translate” a few of these “jacked cells” and re-inject them back into the same body they came out of. These translated cells have been given the “cancer cell interface” that they have never had before [vaccinated if you like] to use a computer term and go hunting for cancer cells. White cells may die in the process but lucky for the programme they multiply – just as God says “go ye forth and multiply”…. And bingo – cancer cell necrosis.
75% of the patients in the first group with stage four cancer had a complete 100% remission with the other 25% a 70% remission. Far in excess of the anticipated results including the growth in white blood cells. For those who were now cancer free these white blood cells now have the “cancer Codex” to kill again. It will never come back.
The clinic is now working with its second group of patients and the anticipated results will be better yet, including that 25% which may simply mean that they needed a second dosage.
If you are so lucky to find this Blog, and if we are so lucky in getting our $23 million in funding, you may be so lucky to find your cancer cure.
It is now up to you the tax payer, your company – another tax payer and its Board of Directors.
Cancer is no lottery ticket my friends, but then maybe we are wrong – buy a ticket instead – but remember this …..
“ What lies ahead in our powers to do,
Also lies ahead in our powers not to do. “
The longer it takes, the longer we will watch and read about children dying in the arms of their parents.
We, at the Macklin Medical Mission, the oldest medical mission in the world, ask for your financial assistance to support our expanding efforts in this exciting new and highly successful field of white blood cells combined with T-Cell oncology research supported by the Nancy-Griffon Foundation Inc of Canada.
So, donate, support and invest in our cancer research – save a life.
Thank you.
Eric J. Macklin B.Com., FICB, FCSI, FMA, UE
Macklin Medical Mission [Est 1886]
The Nancy-Griffon Foundation Inc
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