Sunday, May 20, 2012

Macklin Medical Mission - The CRA

Macklin Medical Mission Children’s Oncology Center As seen in our previous Blogs regarding the Macklin Medical Mission this is a very old medical mission. It was created long before income tax and hence long before the Canadian income tax department and certainly long before income tax receipts were thought of for donations. And yet funds were raised and some very important tasks were completed and long before some very interesting doctors had to ask for permission to raise funds to do so. Important paediatric work was simply done especially in the field of children’s oncology. No brochures were made, no vast media campaigns were conducted and certainly no lotteries were instituted to raise funds for cancer research such as they are in Canada were 80% of all funds raised go to paying for print media, electronic media, glorious prizes such as cottages in Muskoka people couldn’t afford the municipal taxes on and hugely expensive cars and homes on Oakville which for 90% of folks couldn’t afford to insure let alone keep up. Yet this is the sad state of affairs for raising funds in Canada for cancer research. And of course there are the children and the elderly who have the toughest time of all due to their age and the awful effects of radiology, 135 years old and chemotherapy, which is 75 years old. The only people making the real money on the current state of fund raising for cancer in Canada are the executives at various media organizations and companies supplying the hugely expensive pieces of equipment and chemicals not to mention the six figures salaries paid to hospital executives and fund raisers for various cancer societies. And then there are the children. The Macklin Medical Mission, which was established in 1886, was originally funded by wealthy donors, doctors who cared, university societies and alumni and various medical missionaries in Canada, England and the United States. And no tax receipts were issued. Simply funds collected. And then there are the children. The Macklin Medical Mission is part of the Nancy-Griffon Fund Inc. The latter was an interest that several of the founding Directors had in two old historical craft – the GRIFFON and the NANCY. It also helped that Dr. Daisy Macklin was known as Griff and Dr. Christine Macklin was also known as Nancy – and they all loved to fish and vacation in Wasaga Beach. The Nancy-Griffon Fund Inc also known as the Foundation issues tax receipts for anything to do with Canadian marine heritage. In dealing with the Canada Revenue Agency [CSA] they want the Macklin Medical Mission to go the expense of developing printed matter such as printed brochures and printed pamphlets for the project. This is fine for mail outs to individuals. However, in developing a $24 million dollar fund raising objective and considering the laws around charitable giving in Canada for individuals this is hardly worth the effort, since it is already in electronic form right here on the Internet. Hard copy brochures and the like are vastly out of date, especially when the CSA wants all that prior to giving the Macklin Medical Mission permission is issue receipts for income tax purposes. With the current set-up for fund raising in Canada for a whole host of causes, including the “industry of raising funds for cancer in Canada” which are charitable by law and in keeping with tax law as it currently stands, lotteries are the way to go. Not us. We are in the 21st century. Going to the expense of hard copy material considering the pace of change in cancer research would only bring us into that milieu of excessive costs in raising funds for cancer such as the ubiquitous hospital lotteries and the like in Canada. All reference material for the Macklin Medical Mission will be found on the Internet and on our website for only those sponsors capable of reading the electronic media including Facebook for the Macklin Medical Mission. For those in the public domain who can not read the various forms of electronic media, it would be safe to say that their support of the Macklin Medical Mission would simply not be there in any meaningful fashion considering the complexity of the issues at hand. Once the Macklin Medical Mission, and the Children’s Oncology Group is up and running then dealing with those who are in need care would of course affect the whole spectrum of the public. Like cancer research which is global in nature, as is the affliction, those centers of excellence need our financial support. The team lead by Dr. Carl H. June at the Abramson Cancer Research Center at the University of Pennsylvania is one such center and one we have chosen to support, in much the same way that American companies here in Canada support some of our Canadian projects over the years. This is also in line with our earlier work internationally. For current news around clinical trials and the process of “translational white blood cell therapy for cancer” and the ultimate cure of leukemia as the first stage we refer you to: Note - that is did not turn up on your door step in any form of print media. Facebook does not allow for room covering this topic other than a “heads-up” and the Nancy-Griffon Fund Inc website which is for basic information only. Your choice now is very simple – both for you as the private citizen and the private corporation can decide who and what to fund. The ethics are also simple – choose “cure” over “treatment”. This is a private sector initiative. The Government will catch up only when it decides to do so. They are always late to the table. We are not being critical, just realistic. Thank you. Eric J. Macklin B.Com., FICB, FCSI, FMA, UE Macklin Medical Mission [Est 1886] Chairman The Nancy-Griffon Foundation Inc [Est 1975] Canada YouTube: Macklin Medical Mission – Cancer Cure